Monday, August 30, 2010

How Obama Thinks

His basic principle:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

His conclusions:
The poor obviously need the money and we must protect their self-esteem. Money given to the poor cannot be labeled anything so crass as “charity."

"Tax cut" sings. If you don’t make enough money to get what you need, the government will give you the difference and call it a “tax cut” because it's your cut of the taxes on those people who make more than they need.

Now everybody is in the middle class, even those who get tax cuts but have never paid an income tax. Even Bill Gates is in the middle class because he may be rich but he has no breeding.

There are lots of people who have more money than they need and they have an obligation to give all the excess to people who need it.

But high class people like John Kerry and Charlie Rangel have so much class that they only pay as much tax as they feel is proper because they have lots of needs middle class people don’t have.

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